Ok I have been a horrible blogger this past week!! I will totally update it fully when I get back to Rome but here is a tiny little update...
Monday: St. Peters Basilica!!! It was the most gorgeous church ever and I bought a rosary to remember my Catholic roots haha. I will post pictures of it when I get back to Rome (Im in Sorrento!) We watched Angels and Demons the night before which is set in Rome so it was cool to see all the places in person, especially St. Peters. We climbed the billion steps to the very top of the dome where we got a beautiful view of Rome!!
Tuesday: We went to the first Christian church in Rome!! It was such an honor to be there and supposedly the heads of Peter and Paul are in these statues of them! Rumor or not...I want to believe it!
Wednesday: We took a very curvy bus ride down to Pompei! It was crazy that a lot of the town was still standing after the eruption of Mt. Vesuvias...especially the brothel! Rather than ordering from a supposed menu...there were pictures on the walls of different positions and the guys could just point to whichever picture they wanted to try...no thank you!! We stayed the night in Sorrento and it is an adorable town!! Rome is so urban and Sorrento had like a cute little downtown with lights and I felt like I was in a movie! By the way...Sorrento is south from Rome and its on the coast...so that means gorgeous water to look at!
Thursday: Boring 2 hour bus ride to the Greek Temples in Pasteum. It was great to be able to see the temples...but our guide was super boring and there were only three...but I took good pictures nonetheless. We only had 45 minutes to eat lunch before the bus was going to leave so we found this little pizzeria and ordered right away. It took like 25 minutes to get our food and then we had to literally scarf down our food! We called our teacher to let him know we would be late and then all of a sudden he found us at the restaurant with pizza all over our faces! We paid so fast and then ran to the bus...everyone was giving us crap but we were only 5 minutes late...get over it haha
Friday: TODAY! We got to our hostel since its our free weekend and this place is amazinggg!! If anyone is thinking of coming to Sorrento, Italy...stay at 7 Hostel!! It is like only 2 years old, it has free internet and a Nintendo Wi, bar, breakfast, roof terrace and nice rooms!! We went to find the beach today and the free beach had no sand...concrete! We put our towels down and then had sharp rocks poking through the entire time...but we just tried to grin and bear is since we were in Sorrento! I think I got a little darker, hopefully and even out my tan since I have a shorts and tanktop line! Then on the way back on the bus to the train station, Annie and I got hit on by these 17 year old Italian boys. It was very hard to communicate but it was a very good laugh: "You are beautiful, I love you, beautiful english, beautiful hat"....at least they werent shy! I guess I know where I get my forwardness from!! Thanks mom haha
Tomorrow we are going to Capri!!! Its 62 euro for the boat ride, lunch, drinks, cliff diving, snorkeling and a boatride to the grottos and private beaches!!! So so so excited....arrivaderci!!