Next stop was the Roman Baths. There was a chief priest there and he gave us a blessing...he was dressed up in character in order to give the real feel of the times the baths were used. The water is super hot but we weren't allowed to feel it. Most of the original structures have fallen but it was still amazing to see the pillars that were still standing.
Last stop of the night was Stonehenge! We were exhausted from the long day (we left at 8am and this was about 5) but it was so worth it. It was very calming to just relax and listen to the history of the stones after such a long day. Ok well this is my friends computer so I have to get off....having a blast though!
Glad you are having a great time!
Awesome! I'm glad you're having so much fun. Good luck with everything, you'll have a blast!
Yea your first post! What an amazing experience you are having! Soooo jealous! Miss you already - but you are going to be home before you know it! Please keep posting - like daily entries please - like today for breakfast I had...lol just kidding - I know your super busy traveling around! Hope to hear from you soon - Love AD
Thank you for sharing your travels. I am glad you are having such a good time. This will be a trip you will never forget. Have a great time!!!
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