Per Adrienne's request...for breakfast we eat it at our hostel since it's free...and I just have corn flakes with some milk...two bowls actually. Breakfast is served in the basement and it's interesting to see what all the different foreigners eat for breakfast..not that there is much to choose from but many people like to eat white toast with Nutella!
One of my complaints so far...MY HAIR! I couldn't bring a straightener over here because American straighteners are too strong so now my hair is a complete mess. We are showering at night here so we can just get up and go in the mornings so I usually go to bed with wet hair and wake up in the morning with a lovely bedhead surprise. My bangs are horrible, my hair is wavy in every wrong direction and my hair feels dry. Gotta love it...NOT! So when I show you all my pictures from this trip....forgive me on my silly hair.
So I almost got ran over the other day because I forgot the cars drive on the left side of the street here...and they do NOT yield! I don't know who has the right of way...but it definitely wasn't me!
hmmmmm what else...oh I LOVE the tube station. Not only is it beyond easy to get anywhere in downtown London within 15 minutes but they come so often! Unlike bart which I always have to wait 15 minutes for...and every Underground line is a different color with maps everywhere for us people who aren't the best with direction. Jen (a girl I'm traveling with) is super good at directions so I just hand her the map and say have at it!

That's all for now....: )
Um nutella and white toast sounds quite interesting - especially for breakfast!
My mom loves hob nobs. whenever lindsey comes to town or my mom goes to london she comes back with tons! love all the blogging!!
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