Friday, October 24, 2008

Ok ok ok

I am really bad at posting blogs lately! I think I was better at it during summer because....I wasn't in school! Now that school and dance have started again, I feel extremely busy and feel like the days just fly by. Not only am I taking 15 units, but I am dancing again, working as a Peer Advisor still and interning at the Health Education Council. I apologize for my laziness but seriously, there is always facebook!

Boy update: Chris and I are doing GREAT! It's only been 3 months but we are doing so so so good. When we first got together, we had a few bumps in the road, mainly because I have a strong personality and he is passive, and because he's never had a serious girlfriend before! It has taken some getting used to, and we really have a lot of differences....but opposites attract, right?! I am super happy with him and thankfully our busy schedules don't keep us too distant, we even have a class together! All in all...I'm happy.

Here are some random pics from the beginning of the year...