The van picked us up at our hostel and then dropped us off at the dock and then just told us to wait there for 10 minutes and someone would come get us. Well 20 minutes go by and still there is no one coming to find immediately I think we got ripped off! Finally someone says "follow me" and it was time to get on the boat...luckily we had 11 people with us so we got the speed boat rather than the sail boat. The sail boat was much cuter but it looked super rocky and I might have puked on it! The boat ride was about an hour ride but it was beautiful cause the water was so blue and the little houses on the island were so cute. It was a bit choppy on the water but I just concentrated on the horizon and didnt feel sick...but a guy on our boat did and he puked twice on the way there!
Once we got there it was time to swim! We anchored the boat where supposedly everyone else did because there were about 15 boats where we were. On the way over to this little swim spot there were all the really rich huge boats...and one even had a helicopter on the back of it! The water was super duper salty but it was the perfect temperature and it was so much easier to float in. My roomie Annie doesnt know how to swim but she put a life vest on and had one of the boat drivers swim her over to the shore. The waves were pretty strong on the shore so I wanted to head back...and she did too. I tried to slowly walk her off cause we could touch and then was trying to show her how she can float since she has the life vest on. She freaked out and started flailing her arms and ended up shoving me under the water a good 5 times. I tried not to freak out and try to push away but I couldnt..luckily another girl was near us and she pried Annies arms off of me!! I felt like I was watching Rescue 911 or something...I was fine but it was really scary so I just sat in the boat for the rest of the trip.
Our lunch was fresh basil and mozzarella sandwiches - mine of course without tomatoes! It was probably the best sandwich I have ever had...and I need to find some good mozzarella when I get back to Cali! So we never actually ended up going on the actual island...our boat drivers said it was only a swimming tour and then we went to the grottoes. Our hostel said we would get 2-3 hours to explore on the island..and that was a complete lie! We were all pretty bummed about that but oh well...we got to see the grottoes!

1 comment:
you on a boat reminds me of Hawaii - and you almost getting sick! Glad you knew what to do this time. So next time you go swimming stay away from the "roomie" that sounded very scary - and Im glad your ok...
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