What was I doing 10 yrs ago...
I was 10 years old and was enjoying the summertime. I spent my summer at Redwood Day Camp and loved every minute of it. My closest friends were Katie and Chanel.
5 yrs ago....
I was 15 years old and just finished my freshman year of high school. I was taking driving lessons and dating Ben. My favorite thing to do was go to Crab's baseball games with Hillary.
1 yr ago....
I was 19 years old and had just finished my first year at UC Davis. I was loving life! I spent the summer back at home and worked as a counselor at Redwood Camp. My first nephew was born and Mason was my new best friend!
Was so dang hot!! I went on a walk at 9am with my sister, Steve and Mason and it was already in the 80s! Adrienne and I went to Kohl's to do a little shopping and I had never been there before, good deals! We rushed home to get ready for the Birthday Party for our cousin's son, Tyler. The party was...interesting. Afterwards we relaxed and then my brother and his wife, Garrett and Amy, came over and we ate rootbeer floats and watched Dan In Real Life.
5 snacks I enjoy....
cookies, kashi cheese crackers, any fruit, dried mangoes (the amazing ones from Costco!), and yogurt
5 favorite books...
I never have much time to read...but I love Nicholas Sparks' books!!! Anyone have any good recommendations?
5 places to run....
I've discovered that I really don't like running..but I run at the gym on the treadmill, on the indoor track and on this greenbelt near my apartment.
5 bad habits...
biting my nails, burping out loud, leaving a mess, eating sweets, not exercising
5 pet peeves...
i have wayyyyy to many...people leaving their blinker on when they aren't turning or switching lanes, unfinished sentences, bad customer service, bad manners, and bipolar people
5 things I enjoy...
my family, my amazing friends, a good movie, going out to eat, dessert!!!!
5 favorite TV shows...
Will & Grace, So You Think You Can Dance, John & Katie Plus 8, The Real World (though I have not kept up), King of Queens
5 people to tag...
well since I don't know very many people who blog and most have been tagged, I tag Katie and Alison, though they don't blog often!