Last Thursday I went to the bay area to surprise Garrett for his birthday!!! All the siblings went out to a British Pub for dinner and then Coldstone for dessert...we were SOOOOO full afterwads! I love my siblings more than anything and I am so thankful that we live so close to each other and that we are such a close family! : )
There was supposed to be a summer MK Modern group that just did some dance workshops....has this happened yet? NO!! Instead we just party together and eat here are some random pictures of me and my lovely asian friends! haha
Last weekend was Mason's first birthday party!! It was so much fun, but also a lot of work. I was in charge of the cupcakes and his personal cake...and I made the cakes and frostings from scratch! Mason is such an adorable boy and is turning into such a toddler. He got a few walking toys so hopefully he will be walking around next time I get to go visit! Once I got back to Davis, I went to hang out with two of my best friends in Davis: Anna and Jackie!!! Jackie was home in LA for the beginning of the summer so it was nice to finally get to see her...these girls are such sweethearts and I LOVE them! We ate an entire pot of rice krispie treats...: )