Friday, April 04, 2008

Back to School!

The twins came down to stay with me for a few days and watch me perform at the Kings vs. Warriors game! It was so much to have them around and I'm so thankful that we are finally close with each other, after how many years?! Oh, and we decided that we would make the best roommates but we would all be fat, because we went to this frozen yogurt place in town every single day they were here!

Spring break was really nice to get away from all the studying and stress that school has with it. I first headed over to the bay area to spend time with my family and then headed down to Los Angeles to stay with my friend Jackie and her family. We went to Disneyland one day and boy were we spoiled! A girl we went with used to work there so we got fast passes to almost every ride and only had to wait in 3 lines! Disneyland is one of my favorite places ever so I always enjoy going and I haven't been in 4 years!

I'm now back in Davis and started my spring quarter classes. I thought this was going to be an easier quarter but when is a science degree ever easy?! I am taking Roman History with a teacher that I've heard great remarks about (but he has a STRONG accent!), Exercise Psychology (I'm minoring in Exercise Biology), a management/business class and genetics. I was lost in Genetics after the first day of lecture so I already know where my nose is going to be buried! Also, I'm back to dancing after a week off and my body is SORE!!!! We have a performance this friday, in a few weeks and have many many more to come this quarter.....what can I say, we are wanted by all! : )


Adrienne said...

Im so glad you came here for part of your spring break. It was great seeing you - we miss you already...

Alex and Mitch said...

Mason is soooo cute!!! I am so jealous that the twins got to come see you!! I cant believe we are so close now! I need to see you my love!! p.s. I blogged...crazy, i know :)