Sunday, December 10, 2006

Emotional night...

I had study group for 3 hours today so after dinner, I decided to watch a movie and A Walk To Remember sounded good. I basically cried my eyes out, but it was a good cry. That movie will do it to you though! After it was over, I couldn't stop crying. Its so frustrating to think about how over half of the world lives in disesase and poverty while we're here in American living the high road. It sucks to think that you are just an ant in the bigger scheme of things. I feel like I should be doing something for the world right now, but I have to realize that this is my time to get my degree and then I can do whatever I want with it. I'm really glad that my major is within the health field because I can go so many different directions with that. I was given the opportunity to go to college and get a degree to help people, so I have to continue with that. This summer, I'm going to work, volunteer somewhere and take a class. Right now is my time to do the whole Davis thing but this summer I want to do things that I don't get to do here. That's about it for now....see you both soon!!!

1 comment:

Alex and Mitch said...

Love the post. I totally agree with everything you said. I really want to do something as well this summer. but i probably will have to wait till the next summer. even doing service locally is good. during this christmas season there are always things to help out with. my ward is doing this sub for santa thing. we had an auction and raised over $1,000. we then went to walmart last night and bought toys and clothes and books for some kids. it was really neat and cool to be able to help out these people who arent able to give there kids a christmas. and let me tell you these kids are getting some super cool things!