I was super nervous to fly on a plane by myself to a state I had never been to...but everything actually worked out really well. I had to walk all the way to the MU..where the bus station is on my campus...with my heavy backpack and bag packed to the seams of clothes...it was sooooo heavy!! I was seriously sweating once I got to the bus station and collapsed into the bench. I was getting nervous that I had missed the bus because it was late, you know me, ms. paranoid! Finally the bus came and a girl was riding it also who was going to the airport so I had a little companion with me. At one of the stops, this cute guy gets on and he sits across me..coincidence, I think not! Of course, I start conversation with him and it turns out...we know the same person! His roommate is the brother of a girl I went to preschool with!! He said his roommate was from Humboldt and automatically I thought I knew him, and I did! Small world...love it. Once I get to the airport, I'm pretty confident in what I was doing, all you have to do is follow the signs. I didn't know that I had to take off my shoes when going through security so that was a little bit embarassing. Also, I had hand sanitizer in my backpack...wasn't in the mood to put it in a little plastic baggie..so I was really nervous they were going to stop me with it but I got through. What if I was a terrorist?! Next...I had pizza at CPK, and sat at the table next to a cute guy!! He was watching a movie on his laptop so I couldn't really start conversation...but when he was putting his laptop away, he sneezed and I said bless you..it's the best I could do! I go to my gate and notice the screen says San Diego. That flight was for 5:45 and mine was for 5:15 so I didn't think anything of it. My ticket said A16 in huge letters so I had to be right. Finally after no sign of Salt Lake anywhere around me, I asked the lady working and she told me that I was in the wrong area...long story short...A16 was my seat number!!!! So I made my way over to A1...haha. Plane ride to Utah was good...short but good. I got off the plane and it was freezing! I couldnt believe that I was in Utah. I know that I bought my ticket, got on the plane in Sacramento but it just seemed surreal that I flew all the way over to Salt Lake City! For some reason I was expecting to come down the escalator and see Alex and Jared there waiting and screaming like in the movies....but instead I went and got my bags and called them...late like usual! They told me to come outside because they were waiting and Alex came out of the car to help me with my stuff....best hug ever! Got tears in my eyes when I saw her because it had been 3 long months...blah blah blah...emotional I know. I think I am going too detailed into this story, it'll be a novel by the time I'm done.
On the way to Provo, we tried to find some good Mormon billboards but we only saw a few really funny ones. We got to Alex's apartment and I felt at home immediately. Jules was there and I loved her laugh right away! I didn't ever feel awkward or feel like I was intruding in their place, love at first step! The first night we just stayed up talking at night, not super late because we had school in the morning. This weekend was full of little hilarious sayings, and they started the first night. Natalie was talking about the "drive by fruiting" in Mrs. Doubtfire and also when she fell off of the top bunk, priceless! Sleeping with alex in a twin bunk bed was a little difficult the first night...I had a tiny little couch pillow and we weren't used to splitting the bed up 1/2 and 1/2...so I was clinging to the edge the entire night, but Alex got a great night's sleep! Friday morning we woke up and got ready, and were off to UVSC for school! First class was English, the teacher 1. was beyond monotone 2. had a hilarious hairstyle, just shave it all off!! 3. took way too long of pauses 4. talked about the essay again..haha. There was a cute guy in that class (bart/todd) so I just kinda looked at him for that hour. Then we were off to history...where we met this girl Natalie, love her, and we sat in the back row and just talked and listened to Alex's ipod. The old man of the teacher came in and yelled "ATTENTION!" like an army drill sgt. to start the class, we lost it! This class was a joke..."number 24...number 24!!!" After school, we walked over to Institute for their friday Institute class. I finally got to meet Jerry and Neil!! They are beyond adorable, which is a little weird because they're older, but they are seriously hilarious. So I was listening to what the people were talking about, and parts of it didn't make sense because it was about the Book of Mormon, but the rest of it I understood and was trying to take in...but then little ms. alex comes along and asks me if I have any clue what they are talking about. The speaker said something about Lucifer...and alex says.."see Lucifer, that's the devil!" Silly goose Alex, I know who Lucifer is! After institute we came home and had PB&Js, cereal and some graham crackers...good lunch huh?! We layed around...made natalie a myspace, and then figured out what we were going to do for our friday night. We got invited to a few different things but we just kept our original plans: mexican dinner (forget the name of the restaurant), boys bball game, institute dance. Dinner was beyond delicious, we got there at the perfect time because right after we got there the line curved inside the building. Basketball game....so we finally get inside the gym, and then we had to find seats. We changed seats about 5x but we finally got the best ones!! We didn't sit with the student section but that was better because we got to just have fun with ourselves. The boys on the UVSC weren't bad looking so we had fun checking them out, and the white tee crew who were sitting wayyyy up on the top! Alex almost got taken out by a flying shirt that the wolverine threw....crying funny. At halftime, if you threw your paper airplane closest to the target on the floor you won a diamond ring...Alex attempted this and her airplane went about two feet! Next came the dance....wowzers. So I was a little apprehensive about this dance because..come on...it was a mormon church dance. I was so mistaken!! Everyone danced and there were some really good guy dancers there...who happened to be CUTE! We tried to get his attention but he was a little too into himself..so we sayed screw him! Natalie is the best person to dance with...I was having soooo much fun with her. What else happened....Alex and Natalie pointed out a guy that they recognized from EFY so Alex went up and talked to him...but she couldn't remember his name so I guessed it and I was right, Tyson! Towards the end of the night, we were pretty exhausted so we were just sitting on the wall bc it was a slow song, no thanks, and then Show me the Money by Petey Pablo came on and we rannnnnn into the dance floor! It was so packed but we didn't care, we wanted to be in the middle of it all. So we were trying to dance but we kept getting elbowed and pushed by all the people around us and we were holding onto each other to stay standing and we were laughing so so so hard that Alex and I tinkled! We ran to the bathroom..it was the funniest thing ever! Oh and by the way, the cookies were delicious..Natalie and I had about 20 of them. Friday night I don't really remember doing anything else except talking in bed till who knows what time.

Alex had to wake up early for work on Saturday but Natalie and I got to sleep in which was nice! The 3 of us went to lunch at Gurus...best place ever..and then went to the mall! We put tons of stuff on hold and were basically exhausted...passing out dehydrated...but still bought lots of stuff, at least I did! We weren't ready for dinner yet but we got some ice cream cones and a cookie at McDonalds..soooo delicious! There was this guy at the cell phone stand who we were trying to check out and we could only see him from the side, but he looked pretty good. Then he turned towards us and it was a definate NO!! After the mall, we came back the apartment and just relaxed and tried to figure out what was going on for the night. Alex was texting boys up the wazoo to see what was happening and nothing seemed to be going on so we decided to just hook up with Tosh and "Abe" for their friend's going away party. Jules and Jared came with us also so that was good to have a little crew for our saturday night adventure! We got directions to the house and without Julie in the car...we would have been lost! There are so many streets that are all exactly the same and she knew exactly where to go. We got to the house and it was a little awkward at first...its always weird at first when you go somewhere and no one really knows your group and everyone else is friends. It was kinda quiet and blah but then some of the people left to go into the other room and then it was just all of us!! There was a cute guy there....ahemm...Dane...so I sat down next to him on the couch after a little while. We were all talking and whatnot and I decided to play some pool! The teams were Dane and I versus Alex and Abe. So I pretty much suck at pool and Alex rocks...but it was fun overall. Everyone was kinda leaving A.J.'s house and Natalie, Jules and Jared were bored so we let them take Alex's car back home and we went with the boys to the gas station for drinks and then we didnt know where. I got into Dane's car...sly huh...and Alex just went with Tosh. While we were inside the house...it snowed...it pretty much made my night! So we went over to Dane's house to watch the movie Crash....: ) Before the movie started...the boys played a joke on us that they weren't going to kiss anyone till they were married. It seemed wayyyy too extreme to believe so Alex and I were giving them tish about it but they seemed beyond serious so we just let it go. Dane scooted away from me and I was kinda annoyed but then he said.."even though we don't kiss, we can still cuddle"...so I cuddled with him during the movie and he was a good cuddler! Finally they broke the joke and it got out that they had kissed..so he said what do I have to do to get a kiss? I didn't want to say nothing so I said that if he gave me back massage I'd give him a kiss.....so thats what happened! Alex was pissed at me because she said that she'd been there for 3 months and got nothing and I've been there 3 days and got more! : ) We got home from Dane's house at around 3 and Alex and I ended up talking until 5:30!! At first it was just about anything and everything, but then it went towards the topic of religion. I've been questioning religion for the past year or so and being out in Provo really made me think about things. It was amazing to see all these people be so passionate about something that I had no idea about. I ended up crying because I was so frustrated with everything but I loved being able to talk to Alex about all of this because I knew she'd understand.

The next morning we woke up and Jules had made pancakes for us!! Such a sweetheart! We slept in until 11:30ish and then got ready for church. I was getting ready in the bathroom and then I hear...Angela..come out here now! I went into the living room and Natalie was ironing her skirt on the kitchen table with just undies and her shoes on..hahaha. HILARIOUS! I was super nervous to go to church because I didn't really know what to expect, and it was 3 hours long! The first hour I got to check out all the hot guys in their ward. They didn't tell me who was who before church but I guessed all the guys correctly! One of my boyfriends...yellow tie...was beyond hot but he wore the WRONG shoes with his suit...so not cute. My other boyfriend gave a talk...he did great! It was interesting to listen to but I definately had questions for the girls about what was being talked about...and I did the crossword, haha. After sacriment we went into another classroom....that was alright but it was about the bible so I didn't really know what they were talking about. Next was women's group and that was interesting...girls behind us were ANNOYING! After church we came home, ate cereal and snacks, changed into sweats and just relaxed lots! Alex made Taco Soup for dinner which was DELICIOUS! It was sad to be having our last night together...but it sure was memorable! I was taking tons of random pics around the apartment, but they were all meaningful! We went to ward prayer in hope of seeing Johnny..but nooooo...he wasnt there!! It was kinda weird that everyone in their ward comes over to pray all together but it was interesting, just not used to it. After ward, we had dessert exchange and good thing Jules made those bars...soooo good! Josh and the other guy came over and they were super nice...then we went to the dessert party to get our own desserts. It was really weird for this apartment to be having a party on a sunday night, and the girls there were saying how "high schoolers" shouldn't be at this party, referring to us! Whatev...we got our plates full of desserts and got out of that place! We left our leftover desserts on the doorstop of Apt. 36...but they caught us. Alex bumped into Johnny during all of this and we ended up going over to his apt. later to watch The Office. Those two definately have something going on...and they finally got each other's numbers! Alex and I got back to her place pretty late..maybe 1ish...so we got ready for bed and then got into our nice little bed for the last night together. We were trying to take pics of us together in her twin bed...but they weren't turning out...and then Natalie says.."if that lightening bolt goes off one more time!..." It was hilarious and we were peeing our pants laughing with Natalie and then she finally came down into the bed with us so there was 3 of in Alex's twin bed. We were talking about everything and then religion came up again. They were answering all my questions and my emotions were all over the place but it felt so so so good to be able to talk to someone about them. After everything was finally talked about, we got to bed around 4:30...having to get up at 6!! Alex and I got up around 6 and left the house at 6:15. We were barely awake on the drive over to the airport but we were singing Five the entire way so that kept us awake for sure! It was sad to finally arive at the airport because I knew that my vacation was over. Those 3.5 days were probably the best ones I have ever had. Call me crazy...but I think this is true. I had so much fun with Alex and Natalie, but I learned a lot also. I grew as a person in so many ways and my eyes were opened up to a lot more things. Alex and I are beyond closer now, didn't think that could happen but it did. Natalie and I finally have a good friendship going...before we were always friends but it was never a friendship between her and I and now that has started and I'm so excited for it to continue further! I definately want to visit Utah again sometime...better start saving up!!

1 comment:
Alex showed me your post and she loved your trip to Utah as much as you did! Sounds like you had so much fun! I am so glad Alex has had such great friends.
Pam Iorg
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